Hello! I’m Nicole Baranchuk, a Sales Engineer with a passion for cooking, nutrition, and overall physical wellness. This site is a one-stop shop for quick recipes, budget-friendly meal ideas, and health inspiration! I’m so happy to have you here 🙂

Where It All Began…
I’ve been passionate about cooking my whole life, but when I was in my first year of college, I found out I was lactose intolerant. Two years later, I learned I was also gluten intolerant. Eating out became increasingly difficult as I had cut out so many foods, so I started experimenting with cooking meals at home. I used these intolerances as an opportunity to educate myself about how certain ingredients affect my body, and a curiosity to explore a variety of cuisines was instilled within me. When the pandemic hit, I started cooking more than ever before, and my Instagram was born. The food blogging community on Instagram inspired me like no other, and I’ve been documenting my food journey online ever since.
Why Food Bowls?
I tend to eat most of my meals out of bowls. I’m convinced food tastes better when it’s served in a bowl and that it is simply a superior food vessel. While bowls aren’t a requirement to recreate Nicole’s Food Bowls recipes, they are highly encouraged.
My Mission…
I hope to show people of all ages that cooking healthy meals at home doesn’t have to be expensive, difficult, or time-consuming. Everybody has a different definition of health, and it is important to find a balance that works for you. My recipes are a reflection of the balance I’ve created for myself, and my posts are here to serve as inspiration, not as a blueprint. I encourage you to get creative and spice up your meals however you see fit. The world is your oyster, my friend!

More About Me
I’m currently living in sunny San Jose, California, and when I’m not cooking or working I love to spend as much time as possible outside hiking or walking. Some of my other hobbies include weightlifting, yoga, reading, and planning my next meal.